Updating this website from Bootstrap and jQuery to Bulma

When I first built my website, I was very inexperienced in web design/programming. I had never used React, and my website had a lot of problems as a result. This project is aimed at slowly improving the code quality and applying/learning new React techniques.

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A tool for students to get matched to research projects

As part of my team's senior design project, I worked on updating an older codebase to modern standards. This project was really informative on real-world practices versus best practices, and it was a great learning experience in refactoring quickly-written code.

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More Projects

(Internship projects aren't included, email me to learn more)

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Credit Card Fraud

Using masked credit card credentials to identify fradulent transactions using ML models.

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Fashion Review Analysis

Predicting customer ratings and recommendations given sentiment present in review text.

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Car MPG Prediction

Using a car's weight, size, and engine type (ex. cylinder count) to predict its fuel efficiency.

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Insurance Call Success

Predicting the success of insurance cold calls given parameters about the person being called.

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